Re: And besides that...
Re: And besides that... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
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02/02/2005, 13:48:22
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You seem to be trying to polarize everyone against me, Cynthia. Why? Meaning, every time someone posts something disagreeing with me, you jump on the bandwagon. Is this personal?

I don't think this issue particularly needs polarity. Whether or not you think MacGregor's actions were heroic, it does not change what he did and his reasons for doing it. Furthermore, his apology does not diminish himself in my viewpoint.

Finally, I think the course of history will prove you wrong. In the long lens of hindsight, I think MacGregor will be vindicated as a hero for his actions against the cult. He accomplished something that emanated from deep inside him, standing up to the mind-controlling cult and its leader. For that, history will commend him.

Either way, it will interesting to wait and see if more premies follow in his footsteps.


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