I agree about all but the money
Re: Obviously a ring fence is required -- Thorin Top of thread Forum
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02/02/2005, 14:51:58
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I too like John for all those same reasons.  I've gotten to know him some over the past few years and it's always been a pleasure.  I get the sense, though, that he's almost trying to get us exes to write him off for some strange reason, perhaps part of his forced cleansing and ablutions.  Perhaps he figures that that would be easier than actually dialoguing with us, if not now sometime later, and having to discuss all this.  Several people have noted that it's not as if John's resiled from any of the facts he reported in his article or posts.  His whole apology (is that what you call it when a guy's got a gun to his head?) is all about the "soft" stuff, his motivation in writing the expose, Rawat's and premies' responses in reading it, his motivation for involving himself in the EV's docs, Rawat's and premies' responses to that.  I doubt that even in this state he's in, even with whatever guidance or misguidance he's getting from his new counsellor, that even he thinks he can actually support that bit about being 100 per cent responsible for following Rawat.  So maybe what John worries most about us exes is that we'll actually try to talk with him.  I can say this much.  For me, at least, I'm not planning to seek him out.  I wouldn't know what to say.  If he ever wants to talk with me, he knows where to find me. 

But the money thing is all wrong.  In fact, quite ironically, if John got enough money, say Trump took an interest in "firing" Rawat, or at least defending John, he'd probably be fighting on ever still.  No, John's doing what he has to do, I guess.  He's a gifted writer and, while journalism, at least the investigative kind, might not be a viable option, at least not for the next couple of lifetimes, I'm sure he'll find something.  First, he's got to get the cult off his back.  Hopefully, the cult will agree that they've gotten their pound of flesh and will lay off him. 


Modified by Jim at Wed, Feb 02, 2005, 14:53:51

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