I applaud whistle blowers who have good cause, but obviously anyone wanting to embark on such a venture should be very very clear, ahead of the actual blowing, of what they may be getting into. In particular they should clearly understand what they are whistle blowing against and the potential reaction that may prompt. And then armed with that understanding the whistle blower should be prepared, financially, emotionally and whatnot, for the possible long solitary journey ahead. And also be prepared that success is not guaranteed. It's a tough choice tro make.
If this applies to John Mac, I simply do not know as I am too distant from the events.
That is my first cent
My second cent ...
If Jonathan wants to setup up some sort of fund for John's living and/or legal expenses I don't think anyone can or should try to stop him and personally I would applaud Jonathan doing something like that. However I don't think it is appropriate for Jonathan to solicit cash for such a fund on this or any other ex-premie forums for the very good reasons that have been mentioned. That is the extreme allergy that ex-premies (and most likely current premies) have to fund raising activities.
Just my opinions.
all the best