1978? The year Garfield the comic strip was launched? The year the Mormans allow Black males to be included in their prayers and become Ministers?
1978 ????? Everything else in your world view on planet earth is permitted to evolve and grow. In this instance the vision of you and a small band of similars it's STILL.....1978! -(but only for your perspective on Maharaji and those who enjoy him?)
Maharaji and his message?Who made the changes over the last 27 years and why? Who guided people to the current vision. And why would people stick around so long if it was all as you have described? It makes sense to adapt to the times and the current world vision.Those that dont want to can always retreat to the countryside and decide on a hermit like existence.(Not to say you cant experience a current world vision anywhere - choice and technology are the variables)
Your wailing and gnashing of teeth starts to wear thin in light of the truth.The only reason you are still here Mr Brauns is that you have little else to fill your time with.What an absolute waste.