I personally recall times, like on the Mike Douglass Show in 1973 or 1974, when Prem Rawat was asked the question "why do your followers say you are God?" He did NOT deny it, he said that Mike should ask his followers why they say that. Cute, huh? Can you understand how we premies took that? If I remember my New Testament correctly, I think Jesus Christ said something very similar.
I saw the video of that interview so many times, I know this for a fact.
So, I think your memory is kind of revisionist here. There are so many occasions that Prem Rawat said that he was revealing the same knowledge as Krishna, Buddha and Jesus Christ (I am thinking of an exact occasion on Christmas Day, 1979 in the DECA satsang hall, and I have that in print, from The Divine Times.") There are so many times that he said it was HIS grace that even gave us the right to look at him and even have knowledge.
I don't recall him every saying "I Am God," but, hey, sins of omission are just as significant in that regard. If Rawat really didn't claim to have supernatural powers, he should have made that very clear, and corrected his wife and others who got it all so very wrong so many times, over so many years.