Just what does "M's infidelity" have to do with my practice of K?
Re: It seems you have a choice between mind or peace, JW -- Neville B Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joy Wisdom ®

02/01/2005, 05:28:43
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When I turn inside it's to experience me.  If I go within and focus on "M's infidelity", what does that say about me?  I want to know me.  M's alleged infidelities have nothing to do with that.  As a matter of fact, I just saw one of M's alleged infidelities in the exhibition hall at the Shrine in LA.  I won't name her but she has light colored hair with the same initial as M.  She gave me a nice smile when I passed her.  She seemed quite happy.  The only person who should be concerned about any so-called infidelities is his wife.  Why are you so concerned about it?  And why should his "infidelities" be allowed to taint my experience of my true self?  If they are true or they are untrue, it's immaterial.  I guess it's a big deal to you and others here.  Not to those who want to feel peace. 

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