We're not here to offer a panacea
Re: In other words... just words -- jonx Top of thread Forum
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02/01/2005, 01:17:44
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It's Rawat that is offering a solution to life's troubles, not ex-premies. All we are doing is pointing out some facts that he tries to keep hidden so that people can make up their own minds about him. But I must say I can see why you follow him when you have this dark view on life:-

The future you will have for yourself is old-age and death, war and disease, global warming and economic upheaval, and the odd tsunami. And if you're lucky those you love won't disappoint you too much. You don't have much control over all that.

I feel really sorry for you that outside your devotion to Rawat your view on life is so negative. No wonder you can't contemplate life without him, and will perform psychologically unhealthy mental contortions to defend him. But you're right, people you love can disappoint you terribly, and this forum exists because of this sad fact. Of course I am talking about Rawat.


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