The future you will have for yourself is old-age and death, war and disease, global warming and economic upheaval, and the odd tsunami. And if you're lucky those you love won't disappoint you too much. You don't have much control over all that.
I feel really sorry for you that outside your devotion to Rawat your view on life is so negative.
Come on John! I was speaking from the perspective of humanity. These are the things that Joe Everyman considers when he's not engrossed in his little life. To belittle these very normal concerns demonstrates someone who is out of touch with life on earth. BTW I have friends, a couple with two small children, who survived the tsunami in Thailand. These things are real.
No wonder you can't contemplate life without him, and will perform psychologically unhealthy mental contortions to defend him.
You're talking out of your arse now mate. What do you know about what I contemplate or what is "psychologically unhealthy"?
But you're right, people you love can disappoint you terribly, and this forum exists because of this sad fact.
You are right. This forum is indeed a "sad fact".