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Even Jake and Elwood saw the Light! | ![]() | ||
Re: I'm not the only one to see inner light...Tom did too...Jim?, JHB?, ETC? -- Joy Wisdom | Top of thread | Forum |
'Seeing the Light' is nothing new to anyone who has sought God, inner peace, or anything having to do with that whole part of life. The 'Light' has been referred to since 'time immemorial', to coin a phrase that Prem used to use alot. From the Bible and other ancient texts to modern media, movies, etc, the Light is ingrained in the collective consciousness of humanity. There were even special effects in many movies to depict the experience, the most easy one to remember right now is in the original Blue Brothers movie, in which Jake and Elwood Blues 'see the Light' during a particularly inspirational message delivered by none other than the Godfather of Soul, James Brown. Rev. James did not tell Jake and Elwood that they had to check in with him to maintain that connection, because that would not be true. They just had to maintain their connection to what they got from their vision and ACT on it. And from then on, they were on a 'Mission from God', as you probably feel like you are too. Then there's the Light of God in Raiders of the Lost Ark, which purified the area around the Holy Ark and destroyed the negative inlfuences around it in a flash. And who can forget the glowing face of Charleton Heston's Moses with his new 'do' all swept back with white highlights after being with God and receiving his mission? There are many examples out there and there will be more in the days to come. I saw the Light many times before ever hearing about M and K, and I have experienced the Light and the other manifestations of K since leaving Prem Rawat's sphere of activity. I love how it feels and I know it benefits me, but I do not attribute the fruits of K to Prem Rawat anymore and I have been working on enjoying my inner experience without anyone inbetween me and it. Even JC said that one day we would not need to go through him either, that we would all be 'priests (guides) unto ourselves' and be able to approach the Father (Source) directly. (Prem claims to be that 'Father' by allowing us to sing songs to him that call him the Father, as in 'Our Father has come to lead us along the path of perfection...', which creates a 'box' around anyone who comes to him, that he is the final human destination, the last word in human form, regarding God and the human connection to the inner realm, so there is nowhere else to go and no one else to check out, and to do so is blasphemy, disloyalty and evidence of being a 'defective match') I believe that happens to people one at a time and no one knows when that is except the person who is going through it. So no on is anyone else's judge. Many who came to M and K had been through other schools prior and had experienced the Light. Many left what they were doing even if they were having a good time at it and came to Prem Rawat because of not only what he offered but who he claimed to be. Everyone who came to him was not miserable and suffering, many were having a pretty fine life and were discovering the Light different ways. It was the 'cult of personality', that we all believed back in the early days, that he was the LORD. I assure you that if he had just claimed to be another spiritual teacher, his premieworld population and his bank account would not be anywhere near what it is now, here or abroad. It was his adolescent chutzpah and bravado and delcararation that he would establish peace in the world and his claim to be the Greatest Incarnation with the most power ever to walk th earth that drew so many from the late 60's and early 70's, thsoe who did not just want bliss under their own sheets but peace on earth. I think some here question the whole Light thing as being real or being a chemical reaction to something else. I think it's real. What I think bothers many here is the fact that Prem says to do what he says and ignore what he does, at the same time saying that common sense is the most uncommon thing, and common sense being that actions speak louder than words. And some of his actions (or inactions) speak louder to many here than all the words and platitudes he has spoken about the inner experience. And since one can see the 'Light' and experience the other fruits of K without pledging allegience to him or any human being, why pledge anymore to someone who you feel uncomfortable with and who you might feel concerned about, for example, introducing to your female friend who might be a blonde babe for fear of her being propositioned? And even if that phase of his life is over, how the hell do we out here in the masses know? Is EV going to send out a memo letting the premies know that there is nothing more to fear about young pretty females being approached? Is EV going to send out a memo that there is a much more secure system screening instructors so that premies don't have to worry about wacky instructors? That's not going to happen (although it might help him) because by making such an announcement, it admits that something was going on and is not anymore. I don't think that is going to happen. One more thing. For anyone who has kids, do we disown or condemn our kids for questioning us? Do we shun them and ignore them and call them names like 'defective matches' or 'mentally ill' when they point out our hypocrisies and weaknesses as we try to raise and teach them? I don't know about you, but I have some pretty smart sons who bust me whenever my actions contradict my words and they notice it. Because I listen to them and acknowledge when they do that, I know they respect and trust me more and our relationship is more solid than if I just played the authority card and told them to do as I say and not as I do. Of course there are things that adults do that kids don't do yet, but that is not what I am talking about. You KNOW what I am talking about. So now you have a comment from me. I could have said more, but this is enough for now. I look forward to your reply. San Modified by San at Mon, Jan 31, 2005, 08:36:03 |
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