When I received Knowledge in January, 1976 I saw the exact same light I had been seeing as a little girl in my bed at night. Padarthanand was the mahatma in charge of the K session.
When the K session was over and the new premies went down to the first floor of the New Haven, Connecticut ashram to have our "birthday party" I exclaimed aloud "I saw that same light when I was a kid! It's the same thing!" Btw, I was taught the squishing eyeballs technique and it was painful -- the light technique was changed a year or two later to what it is now.
The premies awkardly hushed me up and it was obvious that they didn't want to hear about my seeing any light prior to the K session. I never mentioned it to the premies again..
I still see light in my head at will, on my own demand, without using any techniques of Rawat's or ortherwise. I see "light" when I focus my attention in the middle of my forehead, and most often, I see light without any attempt at focusing whatsoever -- I just close my eyes. No techniques are necessary, and truth be told, "the light" is boring to me.