Spiritual Naivete
Re: Hey, let's just call it the inner realm, shall we? -- Joy Wisdom Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
hamzen ®

01/31/2005, 07:04:03
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I did experience both the light and that realm of experience before hearing about k. In fact I have met many people who have seen the same who never went the spiritual path to see it, even though they are generally people who are more open to the possibility of 'something' and generally from the more sensitive end psychologically.

The problem with this realm of experience is twofold as I see it. The one that dant mentioned, but also the way it is easy when having these kind of experiences, especially when their effects are quite dramatic, to assume that because you have made some transcenedent connection, you have found the way, and the only way.

I would suggest that these experiences are not just triggered by the route, but as much as anything by timing.
I have also spoken to many members of other gurus who have had these type of experiences, and as we know from Michael Persingers work on the god spot it is very simple to activate these experiences for those who are more inclined biologically.

I notice in a thread below you berate Jim for not believing in god, but also quote Lao Tsu, who did not believe in God. Correct me if |I'm wrong, but I suspect you have had and still do have strong meditation experiences, but very rarely talk to anyone about them, woulkd this be a fair assessment?

is an interesting read, there's plenty of stuff out there if you are still into questioning your beliefs without the fear of losing your experience overiding it.

But the one thing I can guarantee, the experience of meditation doesn't lessen after leaving, if you don't want it to. It is not at all dependent upon any grace from rawat, and after all, if you read up on the rhadasoami tradition you might get a hint where shri hans got his ideas from originally.

Modified by hamzen at Mon, Jan 31, 2005, 07:11:24

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