Didn't Lao Tsu talk about the Tao? I doubt if one can say for sure that
Re: Spiritual Naivete -- hamzen Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joy Wisdom ®

01/31/2005, 07:12:52
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Lao Tsu believed or disbelieved in God.  He did talk extensively about the Tao.  My belief is that He was a Deist, however.  Taoism is classified as a religion, isn't it?  And religion does have something to do with God, doesn't it?  I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong. 

As far as my meditation goes, it comes and it goes.  Sometimes I experience incredible things while doing just mundane things.  Sometimes I experience nothing while doing incredible things.  That's the nature of things, I suspect.  When there's light, darkness is just around the corner.  That's why Knowledge is a choice.  I chose light even when everything appears dark.  It's a preference.

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