Wait a minute. Hold the phone here. Back this baby up. Let me get this straight.
Prem Rawat held a program in the UK in 2004, but couldn't get his dog into the country because of quarantine laws there, so Prem Rawat flew his Gulfstream V out of the country for the night at Elan Vital's -- at the premies' expense -- so that he could be with his dog?
He flew the Gulfstream V for his dog? At the expense of Elan Vital, which is funded by premies in the UK?
Rawat weighing his personal priorities: "Be with my dog. Be with the premies. Dog. Premies. Dog. Premies. Dog more important."
Um. How does a legal charity in England account for that type of expense?
What this means is this: Prem Rawat used the Gulfstream V, which he doesn't own but has exclusive use of and not at his personal expense, so he essentially could use it as a kennel shuttle.
If I were a premie in the UK what I would like to know (among other things) is this: What was the cost difference between setting his dog up in a kennel (or hiring a private dogsitter) and flying that Gulfstream V as Rawat did. For his dog.
Oh my.