Oh, that's RICH! Flying back and forth because of his little dog!
Re: Why Rawat didn't stay in England -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Babaluji ®

01/30/2005, 11:44:58
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What a kink!  Or is that twink?

Maharaji's just like that Gene Hackman character, the Captain, in the submarine movie, "Crimson Tide" who has his little poodle or lap dog on board.

Yeah, I can imagine that propagation must be booming in the UK with reports like this.  The landing fees are high enough much less the fuel and everything else.  What a total waste of money.  I mean, couldn't he just drop the pooch off in Paris and return when the weekend gig is over?  Oh, well, I see the problem with that.  He'd have to pay for 2 first class hotels - one for him in the UK and one for the dog in Paris.

Let's hope that every premie who donates money to Maharaji or some tsunami relief fund headed by Maharaji knows how little regard Maharaji has for money.  Sheesh!


Modified by Babaluji at Sun, Jan 30, 2005, 11:54:37

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