Re: haven't we had enough of this jag-off? Not Me
Re: Original message -- Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
NikW ®

01/19/2005, 12:21:25
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It is unlikely that any premie is going to post here in a way that doesn't annoy most of us most of the time - they simply do not have the capacity to enage in any kind of sustained, reasoned exchange. I wouldn't push the comparison too far but in some ways it's a bit like dealing with 8th graders -without very great tolerance and fortitude on the part of the grown ups they'll either shout and scream and swear or slink off to their rooms to sulk.

To read what the likes of Yadot think is very revealing, and the more that he/she says the more insight that we - and any premies who are reading actually get into premie thinking. Yadot has left us with this jem - the PR firm that's been advising Rawat must be very pleased:

No. my sources were well respected scholars. It is not a surprise that the scientologists quote them as well. Yep, the study of apostate behavior and its sociology is not just specific to ex-premies.

Yes the TPRF folks are reading that right now and thinking - hey why don't we get every premie to talk favourably about Scientology being comparable to Rawatism.

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