Actually ,Tempora...
Re: Actually ,Tempora... -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Tempora ®

01/21/2005, 12:56:42
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I would offer this personally, but the result may be enough to send you into Holy Name.

Thinking back, some of those darshans, dancing with 'Lord', were the best times in my life.

I don't think Maharaji was ever Lord, but I think he was a channel for something, and I remember with gratitude the feelings which were unlocked among us at the time.

I read just before Xmas, refreshing myself about Sikhism after a pub conversation, how the Sikhs never regarded Nanak and the rest as avatars, but just elevated people.

In Sikhism, the 'satguru' refers only to God, who is channelled by the gurus. The satguru resides within, and is only ignited by the presence of the guru.

This has great resonances in me.
The great problem with Maharajism IMO was when, through the Rhadasoami history, the guru became regarded as the incarnation of the Deity.

My history with Maharaji was always about integrating the deep feeling within with the ethical requirements of Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism and so on. This in its own terms works very well.

I feel very much at home with myself through meditation.Yes I'm in touch with something deep and true.

Maharaji has gone haywire, but it doesn't affect the experience I have with meditation.

Personally, I can't see why people can't value all these experiences of the past, knowing Maharaji wasn't the Lord, but just a channel.

The experience of meditation remains true, wherever this comes from.

And it is made valid in our everyday lives through an acceptance and practice of the values bequeathed by the greatest of accepted teachers such as Jesus, Buddha, and so on.

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