So I am 'muddying the waters now'. Thanks Gerry!
Re: Sorry I deleted mine before seeing your response -- gerry Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Pat W ®

01/20/2005, 05:30:30
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Gerry wrote: There are no "Masters" with a capital M Patrick, get over it. It's a scam in black and white. You muddy the waters with your muddled thinking, IMO.

Hi Gerry. You seem to be persistently upset that I don't share your talent for 'clear thinking' . I hereby apologise unreservedly to all for despoiling this crystal fount of clarity with my muddled-thinking.

If you believe that in my 'muddled-thinking' I believe in "Masters" with a capital M you are wrong. But since other people do I capitalise to acknowledge the distinction that is commonly drawn by such people. Just because someone talks about Master with a capital 'M' doesn't mean they believe in such a being. It merely means they understand the perceived difference between 'Master' and 'master'.

Moreover I don't think that expressing a neutral point of view is 'muddying the waters' . The purpose of this forum, IMO is not just to present the supposed clear-thinking views of ex-premies, it is for people to talk about their viewpoints - muddled or otherwise.

Regarding your other questions about my responses to Ya thingee from below:

What "sicko websites" are you "not condoning" here Patrick?

I said: "I stongly disagree that my choosing to stay out of these battles means that I condone them."

It's simply am not obliged to define condone or attack other people's sites or standards. Premies or non-premies. Right now I am more preoccupied maintaining my own publishing standards than commenting on others.

Why are you so quick to back pedal on this stuff? Is it because of this manipulative "criticism" by Yadot

I'm not back-pedalling in the least I am just coming from more than one angle.

"if you don't help them, you are an accomplice to their dysfunction?" " Is this even true?

No, Ya One accused me of this and I begged to disagree. Surely you understood that much.

Modified by Pat W at Thu, Jan 20, 2005, 05:34:00

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