A premie friend of mine has emailed me. They have read your post Premie_Spouse and wonder whether the following message from them would be some help. I have decided to cut and paste it just as it was written to me.
" If you think this is of any use to p_spouse...please pass it on!
Well, at allie pallie in 2003, at an expressions event, right after he had told this ex-ashram premie with a 20 year question that needed answering,like,"Who was responsible for making me give up my Oxford degree? Who was responsible for telling me #i had to leave the ashram afer 7 years because YOU were displeased - it broke my heart etc." to which he reacted with "I'm not going to enter into a pissing contest with you-If you want a rift you can have a rift-I didn't know what was going on in the ashram etc" all of which was MY big disconnect(I felt I'd bin kicked in the guts by a horse, it was all so disingenuous and compassion - free...and yet the premies continued to gush, which was REALLY scary as I sat there gritting my teeth) Anyway, one girl stood up and said"Oh Maharaji, you used to say 'I love you' at events"( which I DO remember, but no specifics...)Anyway, right after he had chewed this ex-ashramee as described, he says to this other girl."...of COURSE I love you!" It sounded and felt SOOOO lame...
For the first time in 32 years, I felt like walking out. I nonetheless hung on to my chair, but must have been one of the first dozen outa the place, and I've always been a real stick around and soakupthe vibe kinda person....
But Jeez it hurts to bring this up, I must say. "