This is a question for current premies and former followers of rawat. Many premies I know belive that rawat "loves" them. They say it in many ways: "I know Maharaji loves me." "Nobody loves me as much as Maharaji." "I feel Maharaji's love around me all the time." and so on. After listening to many dozens of broadcasts, videos and audio tapes, I cannot remember even one instance of rawat expressing anything to the effect that he "loves his premies". The absolute closest I get is those very old writings wherein he addresses them as "My dear premies" and even that does not seem to me as if he is saying that he loves them. It seems nothing more than a salutation. Does he, or did he ever, speak of loving his followers? If there is an example of this, I would most assuredly like to read it or hear it. If anyone can pass it on to me, I would be very grateful Oh, and my dear premies, if you respond, please provide an exact and specific example. The vagueness of rawat and premie proof of rawat's wonderfulness is one of the most disgusting things about rawatism. I don't care to read or hear any more of it.