TPRF - an organisation in search of a purpose
Re: WHY would anyone contribute to HIS fund? -- la-ex Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
NikW ®

12/31/2004, 10:32:01
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While sending donations for disaster relief via TPRF is simply delaying the funds arrival in the accounts of those agencies that actually deliver aid, TPRF will have to show the results of its collection/distribution in its public audit. Unlike with EV, the use of funds by TPRFcan not be so easily obfuscated.

TPRF has a problem - it doesn't have any use to Rawat or those insiders who prefer the wheeler dealer style of EV. TPRF is about public legitmacy for the West Coast aristocrat premies who still can't admit that what is really important to Rawat is whether or not the GSV has full fuel tank. When Linda HP meets up with other 'great and good' on the US charity circuit - and they are all talkng about the $millions they've raised for Tsunami relief - Linda can hardly boast about the volume of kerosene purchased to run Rawat's toys.

TPRF is only good for one thing - it's a cash processor,  and with most of the Rawat empire's dosh still passing through EV and its subsidiaries - or not appearing on any books whatsoever - TPRF has very little to justify its existence. I guess Linda HP might be begining to have doubts - having already tried the medical aid and disaster relief angles - no one has yet pursuaded Rawat to give these good works a single mention - even though they've been done in his name. Hardly suprising of course given his often repeated distaste for charity that is directed at those in need - other than himself of course.

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