Re: Is Raj Vidya Kender a suitable aid agency?
Re: Is Raj Vidya Kender a suitable aid agency? -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
PatD ®

01/01/2005, 19:25:07
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I say no, because this org is linked with Elan Vital(UK), Elan Vital Inc(USA), & others around the world, whose primary purpose is to raise the neccessary funds to enable Prem Pal Singh Rawat to travel to speaking engagements in the style usually only available to Heads of State & Captains of Industry.

Would I trust an organisation set up to cater to the whim of an individual who they regard as the 'living god', to suddenly turn round & pour the money out, rather than suck it in?

Well, I wouldn't.

This vast ocean of cash, £60m & rising from the people of GB alone, will inevitably attract every shark in the human ocean into a feeding frenzy.

The reaction of the TPRF supporters elsewhere on the internet is truly contemptible. They threaten to sue anyone who suggests that Raj Vidya Kender might not be up to the job.

I thought I'd seen low from these people, but I hadn't. It just gets worse.

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