I actually think you are serious! (Corrected with an apology)
Re: Re: TPRF - an organisation in search of a purpose -- yadot1 Top of thread Forum
Posted by:

12/31/2004, 17:56:20
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If you have a problem that you can't fix, you get in experts, you know, people with proven track records of fixing such problems. TPRF have paid for (not transported or delivered) a few tons of rice, provided some torches, organised several thousand eye tests during two clinics, and provided medicine and glasses. This is the sum total of currently claimed charitable actions by Prem Rawat and his organisations during the last 30 years. If there are people associated with TPRF who want to help then they should either send money, or volunteer their time with those organisations who have experience of helping people after disasters. TPRF have no experience of knowing what items are needed, where to get them, or how to deliver them. TPRF asking for funds to help tsunami victims is either stupid, arrogant, or (and I do hope this isn't the case) an evil attempt to cash in on the worldwide sympathy felt for the victims.

(In the previous version of this post I wrote that TPRF had not fixed a single person's eyes. I was only refering to the diagnoses for cataracts. I accept that the provision of free glasses has helped people's eyesight, and I apologise for any misunderstanding.)


Modified by JHB at Sat, Jan 01, 2005, 17:13:19

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