Re: Just Checking in
Re: Just Checking in -- MaryM Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
nya ®

12/19/2004, 19:48:18
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You good, kind, wonderful, caring truthful loving person.

You are already a grand success. You are a whole person.

I am sure that your career will renew itself, because you have great professionalism and skill, and for people who really know their stuff, their are always opportunities, even in this sadly non-innovative, non-creative, process-driven and enslaving world of work we have created in the early 21st century. It is crap, not you. And fashions change, very very quickly.

You gave me a lot of hope faith and trust in humanity by your courage, Mary, when you stood up with such courage.

You have got it at last. You are your own truth. You have dignity, grace and wisdom and wit.

Bugger the world, it is clinically insane.

You're always welcome wherever I am, whatever continent I am on, and I hope we will remain friends for life.

I'll never forget your selfless expose of the sham.





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