Hi Hilltop
Posted by:
judypudy ®

12/12/2004, 17:54:37
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Good to hear from you Hilltop!  How are you and the girls?  Getting ready for the holidays.  All is well in California with the business, my flower garden is still going strong considering we have had record low temps.  I still laugh when Californians say how cold it is here and the temp is in the low 50's.  That is balmy for you back East.  Russ is doing well (15 now and a sophmore).  Thanks for asking about him.  And thanks for your well wishes.  Who'd thought there would be a love match from this forum.  I'm forever grateful for that.  Glad to see you are still posting from your "library".  Have you received any funding to keep all of the old publications in a special temperature controlled vault? I remembering reading a few years that EV has much of the old publications in such a controlled environment (except with selective items).  Now we know where some of the money is going (lol).

Always a nice surprise to hear from my old "forum buddies". 

Take care and best wishes for the holiday to you and your family!!


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