Prem Rawat gets some publicity at last
Posted by:
NikW ®

12/12/2004, 10:16:51
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Looks like Rawat might regret ever having been linked to neo Hippy folk rockster Devendra Banhart -

Back onstage at First Church in Cambridge, Mr. Banhart introduced his bandmates as Bear Landscape, Vetiver and Viking Moses, who wore a garland of flowers. Only later did he use their given names: the bassist is Brendon Massei; the drummer, Jimi Hey; and the guitarist, Andy Cabic. Mr. Banhart doesn't need a pseudonym: his highly theatrical name, which means ''king of gods'' in Hindi, was suggested to his parents by Prem Rawat, a controversial, self-proclaimed spiritual leader who has since been denounced by many of his former followers. (Mr. Banhart's parents also had a sense of humor; his middle name, Obi, comes from the Jedi master played by Alec Guinness in ''Star Wars.'')

for whole article see:

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Hmm now there's a conspiracy - the NYT part of the hate club - or are they just gullible journalists ?


Modified by NikW at Sun, Dec 12, 2004, 10:18:06

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