Re: This stuff unfortunately goes very deep premie_spouse
Re: This stuff unfortunately goes very deep premie_spouse -- Thorin Top of thread Forum
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premie_spouse ®

12/10/2004, 18:25:12
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Thank you, Thorin. I'm so glad you linked the song. I needed to hear it so I have a better idea what I am up against. I had heard some garbage, but never anything quite like that. I am beginning to realise that the conditioning goes far deeper than I had even begun to imagine. So, my question now, is, what, if anything, can I do? As I mentioned, discussion is out of the question. You can't discuss when one party already "knows" all the answers. Even if the answers are nonsense. Anything written has either been done by "somebody to hurt Maharaji" or by somebody trying to confuse people or is an outright lie. So, I have had trouble finding any way to talk about things.

One more question, "The Apostles"? Please tell me he didn't have a group called "The Apostles". And he was never the "Lord", right? Is it just me or are others confused by this, too?

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