Re: Why is it always a Republican that does stuff like this?
Re: Re: Why is it always a Republican that does stuff like this? -- lesley Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
eDrek ®

02/05/2021, 15:48:19
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I dunno Drek, isn't it all of them?

Fascinating that
she thinks she can get off the charge.  well not really, don't these
hefty sweet liars believe their talent will get them everywhere?  and,
come to think of it aren't they just about right - I will be interested
to know if she gets away with it.

Sure seems like it's a lot of them. I was talking to my Republican father and I was probably criticizing the Republicans somehow and he got all defensive, of course. But, certainly the Republican party has been taken over by Trumpism and we're probably seeing it fracture into two parties???? I just don't see the Republican party cleaning house and fixing the mess it's in while Trump is still their cult leader.

Living in a bunker?

I've seen where people in the US are buying abandoned nuclear rocket silos and refurbishing them.

Hmm, it's funny for myself in that while I do manage to get out and about, I do stay mostly indoors all day and all night. I have a yard and all that, but mostly I'm inside.

So, living in a bunker or a silo?

I'd probably get claustrophobic.

BTW, I got a vaccine shot yesterday. Arm is sore, but I feel ok. However, even after I get the 2nd shot and it all kicks in 100% I/we are still going to need to socially distance and wear masks. It's so strange to imagine this is how the rest of our lives will be.

Modified by eDrek at Fri, Feb 05, 2021, 15:49:32

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