Re: Why is it always a Republican that does stuff like this?
Re: Re: Why is it always a Republican that does stuff like this? -- eDrek Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

02/05/2021, 18:37:14
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Good to hear the vaccine has gone ok.  But yes social distancing is here to stay isn't it.  

Definitely the bunker not a nuclear weapons silo, isn't it likely to be a bit radio active?

I think the idea of these bunkers is to create a world that replenishes itself, I do find it fascinating - can you make a world where the oxygen is made and it powers itself without sunlight or wind or water?  it's that perpetual motion thing, I guess.  some way of generating power.  oh I suppose there's a number of ways of approaching it - making oil from crops perhaps.  or you build your bunker over an oil well.  Or maybe a chamber of magma boiling away, or I guess you could go to NZ, somewhere round Rotorua and build around a hot spring.  The most impressive thing I ever saw on the telly was a man in I think it was Iceland, he had built huge greenhouses in the snow over hot springs and he had a whole market garden - sunshine and bees and cropping tomatoes and all sorts of stuff.

If they break into two parties, Trumptians and Republicans, isn't it going to cause a lot of pain with people having to choose which one and families splitting down the middle and all that?

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