Re: Why is it always a Republican that does stuff like this?
Re: Why is it always a Republican that does stuff like this? -- eDrek Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

02/05/2021, 15:36:19
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I dunno Drek, isn't it all of them?

Fascinating that she thinks she can get off the charge.  well not really, don't these hefty sweet liars believe their talent will get them everywhere?  and, come to think of it aren't they just about right - I will be interested to know if she gets away with it.

You know what, I've just realised I could make the case that my place is a hefty sweet lie.  I have solar panels on the roof, a battery on the wall, a rainwater tank (fab to have nice water to drink) and I just bought a lemon tree, grafted to go with my avocado trees and dwarf snake beans and cherry tomatoes, all this stuff I am growing now that works here in this garden.  And I am a bit excited at the moment with plans to build a gorgeous little lap pool - that's a lot of water storage quite apart from everything else it means so that's the hefty sweet lie, that I am making a self-sufficient property - we all know it would last 5 seconds against no supermarket down the road.

Apparently there's these bunkers rich people are building in New Zealand and they go a long distance into the ground and have hydroponic gardens, the whole enchilada, and yet they are only rated at giving an extra 10 years.  Do you want to live underground from a world gone toxic for ten years, is what it makes me wonder.  maybe it would be nice to have that time, maybe not, don't know.  I've always fancied a bunker with a view, you know set into the cliffs looking out with a big view, but I don't know that I'd want to live underground.

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