and back to the weather
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Posted by:
lesley ®

12/14/2020, 18:05:47
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I am still trying to work out if these climate changes are shifts in the long term patterns or unnatural shifts due to what we have done to the Earth.

Here we are much exercised by the erosion of the foreshore.  But for starters we used to have the common sense only to build holiday cabins on the foreshore not multi million dollar houses.  and for seconds Aborigine middens have been uncovered so that means they were covered up by incoming sand which is only now gone again.

Where I live I can see the sea in the distance and even from here I can see how strong the swells are, the current must really be pushing hard.  Coming from the south west it takes the sand away, when it changes at some unknown point in the dim distant future and starts coming from the north it will deposit sand on the beaches, will this happen in my lifetime, idk.  but I do know it's happened in the past.

It is bringing rainstorms - we are having so much rain it is bucketing down.  Hey hang on a moment isn't this supposed to be our dry time, the lead up to Christmas.

I moved to this area in 1981.  for the first 30 years the timing of the wet and the dry were more or less give and take reliably predictable.  But not any more.  it has shifted into unpredictable patterns.

It's the extreme edge these weather events have that gets to me.  In all my life wherever I've lived yes the patterns get broken but it's like there's been this envelope of okayness not too extreme not pushing the boundaries.  and now as we mercifully plummet into an extreme bucketing that is easing the memory of how horrible the last Summer was I am left thinking it feels like our safety blanket, our envelope of climate is a bit abraded maybe?

anyway moving on to rainwater tanks.  omg.  I am back to drinking rainwater again and it is so good.  My gutter has now sprung a second leak under the deluge.  It's close to the first one, I've got a little pond developing.

My intrepid cat, who was living under the mango tree is now curled up in her new home, a nest of towels under the warmth of my desk lamp set up on the kitchen counter, she's been there for days, she's very much enjoying it.

there was a good fruit set but now hardly any mangoes left on the trees anywhere round here.  The fruit bats are going to be hungry.

The Tesla battery has been amazing it is only yesterday or the day before I think, I was back on mains power and already now with a lighter patch of weather the battery is filling back up.  I think the rain might have cleaned the solar panels.

I was a bit freaked out when I realised I was staying home alone this Christmas and it was fast approaching.  But now I am looking forward to it!  so wishing everyone a happy Christmas. 

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