So Unrealistic
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prembio ®

09/05/2023, 14:49:27
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Recently, I looked up the Passages video for some memory
jogging and I saw Linda Pascotto's section in a different light.

"When I first received Knowledge I was
told that I needed to practise an hour in the morning and an
hour in the evening and 
seemed so unrealistic
. I would sit
down to practise and after 20 minutes I was just … that's about
all I could do and I didn't try hard enough you know I just
kinda let it slide…"

In the past I'd seen this as just a pathetic confession put into
the video to show all the other premies who also didn't ever
practise 2 hours and then later 1 hour a day that it was okay, you
really didn't have to meditate and you could still be a good

20 years later it now looked as so ridiculous that being expected
to meditate was unrealistic but accepting and living in the whole
Prem Rawat Lord of the Universe bubble was quite realistic, WTF?

Linda and Alvaro Pascotto - "it seemed so unrealistic"

"When I first received Knowledge I was told that I needed to practise an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening and it seemed so unrealistic"
Linda Pascotto

Linda and Alvaro Pascotto
Alvaro Pascotto and Harvey Weinstein

Linda and Alvaro Pascotto are probably the major power couple in Prem Rawat's bizarre coterie of minions. She is one of his major donors with inherited wealth and social status and was the first President of the Prem Rawat Foundation. Alvaro is a lawyer specialising in the financing and leasing ot jet aircraft. Prem must worship the ground on which Alvaro's bespoke Italian shoes stand. Linda taught Prem how public respectability can be attained by well publicised philanthropic activity, the type of charity he and his father had always condemned as useless. In Prem's case his charitable activities are useless, the amount spent will do very little good but provides an endless fountain of Public Relations spin about his philanthropy. Her philanthropy is not publicised in that vulgar way - she appears at the right openings and events.

Actually Doing Meditation is Unrealistic Compared to What?

Worshipping His Holy Family

Worshipping His Holy Family

Kissing His Holy Lotus Feet

Kissing His Holy Lotus Feet
Kissing His Holy Lotus Feet

Worshipping His Divine Dancing

Worshipping His Divine Dancing

Worshipping His Holy Lotus Feet

Worshipping His Holy Lotus Feet

Believing He Is the Reincarnation of KrishnaRamJesus and All Other Avatars

Believing He Is Krishna, Ram, Jesus and Others On the Planet Now

Desperately Wishing to Twirl Maharaji's Moustache

Maharaji's Moustache
Maharaji's Moustache
"I was looking at a picture of one of the slides, had a moustache and uh we just started talking about it, I said to Marilyn "Should I grow it back again?" She didn't reply but I said one thing I have to say it used to be a real pain in the butt to try to keep this mustache took hours sometime trimming every single hair, just finding each one and getting it just the right way and getting the razor in the right place." One day I remember I was trimming it and trimming it and trimming it and I realized halfway through that I had cut half my moustache off and I got so into detail I had this magnifying mirror at one of the hotel and I got so into it. I just kept clicking closer and closer and closer and before you know 'boom' I looked at the regular mirror and it's like oops. Not so easy, not so easy to be a beggar. Here we are, we spend hours shaving and doing this and doing that you know fixing our hair and putting the lipstick.Quot; - Prem Rawat aka Maharaji, Festival of Knowledge, Brussels, 10th December, 1989

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