Re: Internet, exs' forums and unnecessary paranoia
Re: Internet, exs' forums and unnecessary paranoia -- Jean-Michel Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
NikW ®

11/05/2004, 05:32:35
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Alert Moderators

Seems like a good time to remind anyone who receives e mails from Elan Vital or other Rawat supporting operations that e mails - or forms downloaded from EV sites, now regularly include 'tracking code' which utilizes individual ID markers.

Those who want to keep EV from knowing who they communicate with - sending a copy of your mail to another person who then clicks the hyper links will tell EV who the original mail was sent to - should check all the code by 'turning off' the html button on their browser and deleting any ID code before sending mail onwards - and by not following up e mail hyperlinks to Rawat sites.


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