. . for taking the trouble to reply. I guess my point about Jamaica was that it opened my eyes to how people live in poor countries. I don't imagine there are any premies there. But the evangelical churches there in my view are very bad news for individuals and society in general. And I don't know that one could use arguments against them, to much effect. One of the things that it did for me was widen my perspective to see that to try and rid people of harmful beliefs is a huge huge task.I don't see evidence that beliefs or membership of any cult or religion lead to fulfillment. But some people do, somehow, get very close to wisdom, peace and fulfillment; and being members or a religion or cult and having certain beliefs does not NECESSARILY get in the way of that! I don't have an explanation for it.
Modified by ian vincent at Sun, Oct 31, 2004, 12:36:17