A Northern Irish accent ! ( even weaker at the knees...but I might need a translator
) You didn't use to stand up and give satsang in a booming voice like the big Rev. Paisley himself did you ? 
To continue the "something positive " theme...one of my best nights out was spent some years ago in County Roscommon...Roscommon itself actually....with a bunch of Irish friends drinking and playing a singing version of Trivial Pursuits..If you got an answer right, before you could claim the " cheese" you had to sing a song related to the answer..example " What animal do you find on the Rock of Gibraltar" ..cue The Monkees and sing " I'm a Believer" in chorus. As we got drunker it all got very raucous until the Garda came to the door....!
Dig David Bowie...hasn't he got nicer and nicer ?....though sadly rather ill lately....
I have posted re: " depression" ( the Devil and the Deep Dark Pit ) further down the thread. I am aware there are many questions unanswered in my cathartic description ...please feel free to ask anything you like Mr Psychologist !
P.S. Thanks for the sweet post re: Friend.