Re: It takes time Lexy
Re: It takes time Lexy -- Susan Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

10/31/2004, 10:12:13
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Susan. thanks for taking the time out to reply with lots of helpful advice.

Earlier today I replied to a post of Gok's ( followed by Nemesis ) about depression (" The Devil and the Deep ,Dark Pit" ) and I am realising that this process on the forum and with all the great people here is simply continuing a journey that started with my Great Depression in the mid-eighties. It's true that I sometimes feel sad and I appreciate your words of empathy however the good news is that a lot of useless baggage was shed during that struggle I had with depression. I think I am finally completing the process.

I enjoyed reading your post about your life and admire your strength and dtermination. I wish you all good things !

At the present time my life is not very stable as my elderly mum is probably reaching the end of her life and I'm in and out of the hospital ( I was called in again last night)....It's a very emotional time ,not only for me, but also my brothers and sisters. I am sure that most readers of this forum will have gone through something similar and know how " churned up " I must be feeling...sorry if I haven't replied to any posts or have seemed a bit OTT.

I may print off your " Nurses " poem and take it in for the nurses at my mum's hospital who have been brilliant.

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