I fully concur.I'm from musical stock myself. My mother was a brilliant pianist, and played for the silent films at the major cinema in town (back in the 20's) and in a flophouse in the low end of the ville while the locals used occasionally to punch each other insensible outside late at night.
Ah, yes, all grist to the mill as they say.
The musical talent was passed down from her father, who used to bash out Methodist hymns very feelingfully on a small home organ.
We kids inherited from her, but with nothing like the brilliance.
All of this convinces me that such talent is probably passed down genetically and through hard-wiring of the various generations, if anyone is interested at all in that aspect.
I myself used to play Arti most nights at local satsang, bursting with love, with the rest of the congregation blissing out along with this.
I personally think music at its best is a soul thing. It reaches that part of us which isn't just of the superficially emotional, but ignites the core within us.
None of this is anything to do with cults - rather the reverse. If there is something transcendental within us, it is quite natural, a shared love we are all part of and combines between us via music and other art forms.
We are all naturally one, in some ways IMO. Some might think this is sentimental, but perhaps they should listen to some more good music.