Gosh! Yor very welcome, ma'm....
Re: Gee ! Thankyou kindly,sir.... -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hilltop ®

10/29/2004, 23:31:23
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Hi again Lex,

I love listening to the banjo. A friend of mine plays the banjo too and is in a band called "JJ and the Outlaws". She has performed with Kenny Chesney and it's really great music! So I can relate. BTW... I think I like being called Hillbilly ~ even though I love almost all music. Now where's my spoons? Lol.

You've got to admit this is a great thread... so many great posts... but where is GOK? I hope he (for some reason I thought GOK was a she)is doing OK. Sometimes it can be hard to wake up.

People thought I was a she when I first started posting a few years ago. But no wonders! I called myself "Hilltop for Love" at the time. Lol at myself!

Anyhow, "Orange Blossom Specials" to You!

Inkfully Yours, Hilltop

Modified by Hilltop at Fri, Oct 29, 2004, 23:40:42

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