Loyalty to Truth or Loyalty to Persons, that is the Question
Posted by:
San ®

10/23/2004, 07:13:08
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In almost every area of profession and trade, there is that unspoken, unwritten law of not ratting on your peers or your bosses, even if you are a witness to a terrible crime or injustice.  From religion to law enforcement (the very ones who are supposed to be protecting our souls and our lives) and many other disciplines inbetween, silence and loyalty to persons is the watchword when the shit hits the fan, if you want to remain a player.

It is no surprise that this prevelant worldly conduct is in direct opposition to wise words from a guidebook for life that has essential truths in them so heavy that most all legal systems in the world today have used parts of it for their foundation.  From that book ring and sting the words: 


I will take the liberty to interpret that statement to mean that:

Loyalty to the Truth is more important than loyalty to persons, and in the light of Truth, everyone is a VIP. (Very Important Person).

To any premies reading this, I urge you to consider what has been said herein, taking into account all of the information in the archives that include but are not limited to your teacher either participating in, or turning a blind eye to, pedophilia, vehicular manslaughter, promiscuity, gluttony, spiritual, mental, psychological, verbal and other abuse of his premies and related  parties.  It pains me deeply (and frees me of that pain at the same time) to say these things, but I cannot tiptoe around this any longer and be able to look in the mirror or sleep well.  Now that it has been said my soul is more at peace and I can live my life more fully, unhampered by the responsibility of knowing something that I have not fully expressed because of old threats by someone who once claimed to be the Lord offering the Meaning of Human Life and now is a Motivational Speaker offering a way to relax.

I would not even go to him for motivation if I were aware of his ways, let alone for the meaning of Life Itself.  If he had just come on as someone with a way to help, not claiming divinity, but just as another human being, I could be alot more understanding and more able to forgive.  But he came on as perfect, above us, above all humanity, without spirtual flaw, the Lord in Person, God-conscious 24/7...and proved by his own words, actions, and by the actions of those who he directly supervised and was responsible for, that his fruits do not match up with the label he put on his tree. 

To those who enjoy practicing Knowledge despite all of what has been said, I would venture to say that sitting quietly and stilling the mind is always enjoyable, but not necessarily attributable to Prem Rawat, any more than if someone just sat still and did it themselves.

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in the Light of Truth.  

Living in the Truth is the Ultimate Relaxation technique.  


Modified by San at Sat, Oct 23, 2004, 07:39:34

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