Houston '73, we have a problem...
Posted by:
San ®

10/22/2004, 16:05:50
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There is a very big disconnect that I don't think has been addressed, but then again I have not read every thread.  So here goes:

When Prem Rawat was still coming on as the Lord without hiding it, it was said of Knowledge that it is the only thing that can take a person off the wheel of birth and death, the only way one could have the choice between re-birth (devotion) and no more re-birth (liberation).  Knowledge was presented to me and I am sure many here reading now pretty much as the same thing as Salvation, Redemption, Enlightenment, Self-Realization, Fulfillment, God Consciousness, the Ultimate Experience of Human Life, the Love of All Loves.

Now that Prem Rawat is just a Motivational Speaker and what he offers is mainly a way to relax, what happened to his mission to bring peace to the world which he swore on a Bible he would do and reveal the King of Knowleges, the Knowledge of ALL Knowledges, the one spoken of in Isaiah and Matthew and a bunch of other places in the Good Book that DLM quoted from in their early flyers?  Knowledge that only HE can reveal?  I mean, wasn't that his mission that he accepted from his dad, to bring the Knowledge of God to the whole world?  How can he do that now if he is just another Movtivational Speaker in a millieu of motivational speakers?  Isn't he selling the Knowledge of God a bit short here, (and the world) if that was truly his mission to bring it to the world?  Why is that, I wonder...

BTW, check this out:  www.therelaxationcompany.com 

Now what makes him different from them?  What does he subliminally slip in to the aspirant's mind now that makes them think he's hotter than the website I just posted, that he's got something you just cannot get anywhere else?  That would be any interesting finding.        

Modified by San at Fri, Oct 22, 2004, 16:10:13

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