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Re: My point? Can't you see the obvious, San? -- cq Top of thread Forum
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San ®

10/22/2004, 15:46:31
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Flu vaccine is a beneficial influenza (pun intended) on society and it's a poison in safe controlled amounts. 

I know what he did in my life had some positive value.  I have only recently been able to separate the positive from the negative from my time with Prem Rawat, and there seem to be traces yet, after all those years and how deep it went.  No Stockholm Syndrome here, not that deep.  But I find it mentally healthy and therapeutic to find good in something that I spent twenty years focussing on, notwithstanding the negatives. 

I understand what you are driving at, how can I say 'No' to all your questions and still say he did some good and may still be despite his shortcomings and his character flaws. I feel that you have created a 'box' of words and literal meanings and are trying to nail me into it.  Please don't do that.  That's a sales closing technique that I am quite familiar with.  There's more than the printed word here and I think you know it.  I am saying that the basic premise of spreading something good in the world like Knowledge - taken by itself - is a positive thing.  I wish you would re-read where that came from and check out my words around it.  I feel that you are interpreting me in the worst possible way and out of context, and I wonder why that is.

The Volkswagon is a great car, saves gas, pollutes little,  ya gotta love 'em, but they were originated and designed on orders from a very bad guy.  Does that make the car bad?  Should we ban the Volkswagon and destroy all the ones that exist?

You know, I love my country and all the freedoms I have here in the good old USA.  But do I think like this, 'America - right or wrong!?'  No.  Would I want to live just anywhere in America just because it's America?  Hell no.  There are some pretty bad places in this land where I would not want to drive through, let alone live there.  But is America doing some good in the world?  Yes.  Can I support the good and point out or try to fix the bad?  That is my obligation as a citizen.  It was my obligation as a premie to write to Prem Rawat and EV about the Jagdeo situation as soon as I found out about it many years ago.  I got zip from the Man and a letter of obfuscation from Linda Gross over at Elan Vital.  Realizing that it was like talking to a wall, I chose not to waste my time on that project anymore and left it to the heavies who made contact and things happened.  What I did was like taking one of the first chips off the wall with a little hammer, and then some ex-premies came in with big stuff and I stepped back and out of the way, not having available the greater influences and contacts that were brought to bear by other ex-premies.  If there had not been that going on, I would have gone deeper into it myself and dialogged with Marianne and others who are legal eagles, which is what was necessary.  But why re-invent the wheel, just so I could be involved?  That would have been an ego trip and a waster of valuable time, so I backed off and others got pro-active acted and it went forth through many people's efforts.   

You catch my drift, amigo?

I am about to post a new one on top that I think will turn on some bulbs here and there, so to speak...please stand by.                

Modified by San at Fri, Oct 22, 2004, 17:35:44

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