Yes, thank you, this is so laughable
Re: So good, I posted it on ELK's "Wit and Wisdom" page -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Brian S ®

10/22/2004, 05:05:44
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You are so right Jim, on all the theorys and points that you have so deftly examined here. Rawat's training really does sounds like a half baked EST session. I know well because I  took the training back in the day when it was still the hardcore in your face approach before they revised to the subtler forum sessions. 

I was bodily removed from my training session for challenging the trainer on the notion of recruiting new prospects for free when a huge fee is paid to the system. Two security monitors physically dragged me from the room shouting and deposited me in the hallway. According to rawat this sort of outburst should have endeared me to the group and trainer instead of alienating me. I wonder what went wrong?

What is equally appalling is rawats training is just another knock-off of some one elses work like Werner Erhard's stuff. Much the same as the meditation techniques he claims as his own which are copy cat versions of the Radhasoami religion, he has pilfered his training idea's and inspiration too it seems.

Apparently rawat cannot put together one single original thought or procedure. The funniest thing is his very own bungled and horrible execution in attempting to pull off his motivational speaker routine. As a guru, spiritual guide, teacher, whatever he is at best a lame bantamweight.

As a motivational trainer, I read the training transcript and it was just pitiful, there was no clear direction, no stated intention, no plan, no training modules, no expected result or example to follow. Just M haranguing and berating the group evidently trying to emulate his convoluted version of  a new age trainer aka inspirational speaker.

Rawat seems to continually shoot himself in the foot and self destruct at every turn.

It is so bad it is unbelievably funny, just hysterical to observe.

Modified by Brian S at Fri, Oct 22, 2004, 15:35:57

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