Re: Last Words in Aramaic?
Re: Re: Last Words -- San Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
G. ®

10/21/2004, 10:11:14
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Hi San,


as far as I know the gospel as well as the whole New Testament was written in Greek, not in... Aramaic! It was only Matheus gospel I think that was written in Aramaic and very early translated in Greek (some claim that they were simultaneously written) which was the "official" one.

The Greek idiom used was the "Kini Attiki" or "Common Attic" (if the translation is correct) which was somehow the english of their age (post-hellenistic, early-roman). Don't ask how did the first Christians read the Greek gospels because the gospels were written after the decision to bring Christianity (or however they called it then) to the nations, i.e. the gentiles, which was a matter of dispute amongst Paul and Peter. Moreover apart from Matheus the rest of the Apostoles that wrote gospels were supposed to know Greek (and also it is not sure that each gospel was written from the Apostle that bring his name).

So, I really cannot understand what this strange person translated!!! :

At the gospels those phrases are written in Greek initially, not translated but the way they sounded in Aramaic. So, there is nothing to translate!

Am I wrong?

Best regards,


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