Re: Maharaji is NOT the one who gave you your good life, YOU did.
Re: Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak ! Oops there goes another premie... -- gerry Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
godonlyknows ®

10/18/2004, 13:57:12
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I'm not saying you are confused, but I don't think you really understand what I said.

I said: "Maharaji promised to teach ME how to experience peace in my life - and he has done that, and continues to do that."

I said: "The experience Maharaji has enabled ME to experience is a beautiful experience."

I do NOT say Maharaji gave me my good life - I said Maharaji ENABLED ME to make it good.

But now that I read your post again, I can see that you are partly right: I brought MYSELF from a crazy life to a sensible life. I did that, not Maharaji. It was me, it was my effort, I did it, not Maharaji. Isn't that what Maharaji has always said - it has to be YOUR effort, YOU have to make that effort, Maharaji cannot make that effort for you. Yes I agree, we all agree on that, it would seem.

But what you are suggesting is that I could have done much the same on my own, without Maharaji's help or guidance, or inspiration, or his gift of Knowledge. I know I couldn't have. I know I was 180 degrees in the wrong direction before I discovered Maharaji. I know I would not have learned how to directly experience that source of love and comfort within myself without Maharaji. I agree that up to a point I theoretically COULD have - but I didn't. I agree that someone else COULD have taught me something similar - but no-one did. I agree that many people may feel they can achieve peace and love and fulfillment in their life without help from anyone - but I never could have. You don't know me!

I heard Maharaji say that if anyone feels they can achieve peace on their own - fine, go ahead and achieve it. But if you feel you need help to achieve peace in your life, then consider Maharaji. I definitely need that help. And I have greatly benefitted from that help. I think I know myself better than you know me!

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