POV, I think you should apologise to Susan
Posted by:
godonlyknows ®

10/18/2004, 12:42:52
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POV, I don't know you, I have only read a few of your posts (so far), enough though to see that there are perhaps many things you and I would agree about - in regard to Maharaji - and also, no doubt, many things we would disagree about. But you are certainly wrong about one thing. Susan wrote to me:

"I wonder what you think about the POV guy who is attacking me because I didn't go to the police? Can you imagine what would have had to happen in my mind to report it to the police?...Is it reasonable to think the 15 year old me would go to the police instead of trying to tell M?"

And she says that in a thread (which I cannot find) you wrote:

"Either way, every person who knew about this and didn't go to the police cannot point the finger at anyone else".

POV, you are definitely wrong to suggest that. It is adding insult to injury. Susan was 15 years old, not yet an adult, in many ways still a child, when she suffered this abuse. Her abuser was very much in a position of power and influence over her. She is in no way to blame for what happened, and in no way to blame for the fact that the police were not informed about it. To suggest that she was in any way to blame is insensitive and simply wrong, and I hope you will apologise to her for what you have suggested. Abusers are highly manipulative and they use their positions of power over their victims not only to inflict their abuse, but also to instil fear. You do not understand what abuse does to a person who suffers it. It causes fear, not a desire to be open about it; it causes confusion, not clear-thinking; it causes distress, something that you want to bury, not something that you want to be brought out into the light for all the world to know about. I am not sure exactly how many years ago this happened to Susan, but, as you are bound to know, there was much less awareness of abuse then, than there is these days, so how could Susan - in those days, at the age of 15 - be expected to know what, with hindsight, might now be regarded as the correct thing to do?

The abuser blames the victim - I don't think anyone else should blame the victim in any way.

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