Technically, he's right
Re: A motivational speaker answers a question... -- Hilltop Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
San ®

10/07/2004, 04:10:51
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We are all permanently IN God consciousness 24/7, just like a fish is permanently IN the ocean.

(And Kabir said that he laughs when he hears that the fish in the water is thirsty.)

But the real question is:

"Are you permanently CONSCIOUS of being in God consciousness 24/7?

Remember Clinton, who shook his finger at the world on TV and said he never had 'sexual relations' with 'that woman' (coincidentally, Monica).  Well, as we all found out later, he was technically correct according to Webster, because as defined, their activities did not constitute 'sexual relations'. (hoohah)

So technically, we are all permanently IN it 24/7, assuming that this creation is all being held in the mind of God like a dream bubble or something.  But that is not the impression Prem left us with, was it? Noooo. He left us with the impression that he was ALWAYS ONE WITH GOD AND TOTALLY AWARE OF IT.  And we bought it until some stuff so outrageous and hurtful to some of the most defenseless of us came to light and made us question if someone GK/24/7 could be responsible for such things.  There was a flaming duality before us, to believe someone who said he was God, or believe some children who said some things about that person and his staff so shocking that it shook us out of our trance-like state and made us take another harder look at the person who told us so long ago that he was one with God 24/7. 

There comes a time when you just have to step up and represent the truth as you see it, no matter who or what tries to tell you that you are wrong.  Being faithful to that thing inside, not just giving it lip service...yeah baby!  

Shakespeare said something like this:

'To thine own self be true, and thou shall not be false to any man."

I mean, how many of us would have passed on Prem if he had not said some of those highly suggestive things like the GK/24/7 thing? 

I think he really meant to say what we thought we heard.  And there's the rub.                   


Modified by San at Thu, Oct 07, 2004, 04:14:17

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