Re: Is it true that ex-premies have waged a campaign against students/PWKs?
Re: Is it true that ex-premies have waged a campaign against students/PWKs? -- Andries Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

10/03/2004, 17:00:38
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I'll respond to Geaves' most interesting message separately.  But here's what I can tell you about these premie allegations.  They're essentially false and, as others have said, the truth is really quite the opposite.  Premies have engaged in some really dirty harrassment of exes, not the other way around.

The first really ugly site was one hosted by a New York lawyer and premie, Charles Glasser.  It was hysterical and crass with Glasser depecting us all as losers, mental cases, drug addicts and criminals.  He specifically targetted and named several exes.  It was a precursor to the CAC site the story of which Marianne referred you to.  Anyway, Glasser boasted on his website that, unlike us, he was a well-heeled lawyer with a lucrative practise. 

I emailed him directly, privately at work.  Not his boss, him.  All I said was that with his name out there openly hosting such an ugly website, it was only a matter of time before some of his clients, just searching the web as people do, discovered that he was a follower of the former Lord of the Universe.  That wasn't a threat.  I wasn't threatening to do anything.  Rather, I was pointing out to him the natural consequences he could look forward to for his actions, running interference for such a controversial figure as Rawat and doing it in such a despicable fashion.  Ever since the premies have twisted this and accused me of contacting his employer, etc. 

Ironically, though, Glasser wrote a complaint against me and sent it in to the B.C. Law Society not under his own name but under that of another premie.  Worse, an exact replica under the name of an EX PREMIE, Pat Conlon, was also sent in.  Glasser later admitted that he authored the first one but pretended he had no idea about the second.  Obviously that was untrue.  As I said they were identical. In any event, the Law Society saw the complaints for what they were, harrassment from a cult flailing at its critics, and dismissed them summarily.

Meanwhile, though, Pat Conlon suffered further harrassment.  His restaurant in San Francisco began being flooded with false reservations.  The websites where people posted restaurant reviews and voted for popular establishments was suddenly swarmed with negative reviews and votes for Pat's place.  Eventually, he was forced to close down what had been a very successful restaurant for years before.

Premies have threatened to beat and even shoot me and others.  Sure, they've later said they were just kidding and all, but the fact is they made these threats.  If you want proof, email me and I'll send you a bunch (  I'm not lying.

I mean, none of it's really that surprising, is it?  What do you expect of a defensive cult which can't justify itself rationally?  It's going to flail any which way it can.  Like a pressure cooker, it'll explode this way and that. 

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