In defence of Indian culture - yet again:
Re: In defence of the mahatmas - yet again: -- Another training survivor Top of thread Forum
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10/02/2004, 17:15:55
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The mahatamas, like Maharaji, learned their concepts and stories from their culture.
In fact, almost all the mahatmas and their conceptsd were in place before Maharaji became their Guru.
Srimad Bhagavat Gita?
Lotus Feet?
Draupadi's endless sari?
Maharaji didn't invent this stuff.
He is repeating Indian concepts and stories that he, and any other educated person, understands to be reasonable in their context.
Had he said this in India, no one would have batted an eyelid.
Unfortunately, uneducated or untravelled people have trouble grasping that different people have different histories, concepts, beliefs and cultures.
And those that are xenophobic get angry about it.
If you take them literally, without understanding their context, you are very niaive.
Draupadi's endless sari is a parable to illustrate a point, not a dress shop in Bombay where you can buy never ending saris.
If you want to take it all literally, take it all literally!
"The highest manifestation of God is Guru". Since Maharaji had a Guru, he is saying his Guru is the highest manifestation of God! Everything he says about "Guru" he is also saying about his father. This simple point is lost on most exes.
"He Himself, full, will come. Or has come". Will come? Has come? Clearly Maharaji doesn't know when the "Big One" will or has come.
"Coming through the clouds?" Lighten up. He's having fun.
"that you were searching for from time immemorial"? Is he really saying that the person he's speaking to has lived from time immemorial? I don't think so.
"You are Creator of whole universe, you are Destroyer of whole universe, you are kindness, you are Peace, you are Light, you are everything for me.' Quoting Arti, something he sung to his Guru many, many times and millions of Indians sing to their Gurus to this day.
"And at what moment He has saved me, I can't say. Each and every moment He has saved me. That's why I call Him a Saviour". Here Maharaji is calling his Guru his saviour. So is Shri Hans the "SAVIOUR"? How many Saviours are there? Maybe one for each saved person?
"So who saved me? Who saved? Guru." Maharaji is clearly saying he was saved by his Guru, stating beyond doubt that he considers his Guru to be superior to him.

Criticising Maharaji for using Indian concepts, is like criticising someone for saying "turn the other cheek" or "a stitch in time saves nine".
Only a pedant would say - "How will turning my cheek end this argument, and which cheek, left or right or maybe the cheeks of my bum? You're an idiot".


PS. Since I have no idea what concepts you have about "THE LORD", I cannot answer that question.
But Maharaji has shown me something that has SAVED me from a lot of grief, so maybe he is my SAVIOUR.
And he does have "great influence in his chosen profession", so maybe he is a LORD.

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