In defence of the mahatmas - yet again:
Re: Those crazy mahatmas! -- POV Top of thread Forum
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Another training survivor ®

10/01/2004, 10:57:33
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Hi POV, have you read this Q&A session given by Guru Maharaji, August 15, 1971 in Los Angeles:

If you don't have time to read the whole thing, here are some excerpts pertinent to this discussion (Maharaji's answers are in blue):

Q:  Well, Guru is a personification of God in the Earth, right?

GMJ:   I told you yesterday: Who is Guru? The highest manifestation of God is Guru. So when Guru is here, God is here, to whom will you give your devotion? I want that the general should sign some papers. I need not go to his office when he is sitting in my home. Is it necessary to go in his office when his is sitting in my home? When God has come here, then what is the need to give devotion to God there?

Q:  Why didn't Jesus say -- or does it say in the Bible anywhere -- that He would manifest Himself again? For future generations, so they could have a living God?

GMJ:  He has said, He has given you a hint, but you want everything in a perfect state. He has given you a hint -- you don't recognize that hint.

In Mark, Chapter 13, he says that One would come after him, not the son, not an agent, not a messenger, but the Father.

GM:  I think in Srimad Bhagavat Gita, it is written that He will come full, He Himself will come. That first when He came, particularly to some places He saved; but now because He will come to save the whole world, He will Himself come, full.

Why so puzzled? It is a very fortunate thing for the people of this age that He Himself, full, will come. Or has come. Yes?

Q: Doesn't it say He will come with a shout through the clouds?

GM:  Not at all. Not at all. I came by airplane! (laughter) When I came there were clouds, many, many clouds.

Q:  But the whole world would hear the shout in the clouds.

GMJ:  Yes, when a plane comes it makes too much noise.

Q:  That's not a shout.


But I heartily encourage you to read the discourse in its entirety.   It gets better and better as it goes - especially this section near the end where Maharaji talks more about being Guru:


Guru is that man that gave you the key for hidden treasure. Hidden treasure, that you were searching for from time immemorial. Today we just read book and ask questions about that. But remember that His every second, every quarter, or half of a second, is precious. Because you can think of something higher and holier than God? And He is Himself everything. He is God. Say, 'You are Creator of whole universe, you are Destroyer of whole universe, you are kindness, you are Peace, you are Light, you are everything for me.'

The giver -- only Guru. Taker -- we are. How can we become Guru? What is that thing -- that why don't we become Guru? Why can't we become Guru? You were not able to become a general; how can you become a Guru? People have said, 'Okay, we want to be a Guru.' Guru said, 'Okay, you want to be Guru? Okay. Take it. Be.' People felt it, said, 'No, we don't want to be Guru.' They begged at His Lotus Feet.

Why do people surrender themselves? Why do people do pranam? Indication that they want to surrender themselves. One pranam, and one year whole karma's out! And do more and more pranam, and more and more karmas out.

People will say that 'If you are God, if you are Guru, why don't you say?' If I will say, then people will kill me. How will I be able to give this Knowledge to more and more people?

What faith I have, I can't describe it with words. I can't describe with words. I was so much confused before I got this Knowledge, so much confused, that remember, sometimes I used to hate the works which my father was doing! I used to hate them. I used to hate God; I used to hate all the creation of God. 'What is this? Nothing. Nonsense.' But as soon as I got this Knowledge, I even started loving my enemies! So how can I repay Him? And at what moment He has saved me, I can't say. Each and every moment He has saved me. That's why I call Him a Saviour.

There is a place in Bihar: Devaria. And there were some people that were just hating -- they never wanted anything, because they themselves possessed a religion; they were themselves starting a sect. So they threw stones at me. From everywhere, stone was coming; backside, front, side and side, everywhere. But how was I saved -- how can I tell you? Not even a scratch on my head! Mahatma Ji was there and ask him what was the condition there. Stones, stones, stones, stones, stones! Police standing and laughing. So who saved me? Who saved? Guru.

Draupadi first looked at her brother when Duryodhana was taking her sari. First looked on her brothers; brothers' heads were down. King; down. Mother; head down. Father; head down. When everybody's head was down, same time Krishna was saying to Rukmuni, 'Rukmuni, such a great burden is passing by Draupadi.' So Rukmuni says, 'If you know that why don't you go and save her?' Krishna says she is not calling me from her internal heart.' Then, only little, little sari was left, and everybody was -- the man who was taking out the sari was being more and more cruel. Then she closes her eyes and calls, 'Krishna, now save me!'

Not even a second -- second is more -- Krishna came and extended her sari. That man is taking out, taking out, taking out, hand started paining, out of breath, but sari is not coming. When did Krishna come to save Draupadi? When she called.

It is not that: that I will come in 1978. I can go and come. If you will call me, from internal heart. Whenever a Satguru has come, He has asked for devotion. He is very hungry; He just wants devotion. Devotion, devotion, devotion. Water of love, and food of devotion. He wants that, and that's all. But these days there is a very huge thing, there is this mind. Every time: 'No, no, no, no, no, no.' Some good things -- 'No.' Some good things -- 'No.' 'No, no, no, no, no, no.' Troubling us.

POV, if all the wrong concepts did originate with the mahatmas, then we should be asking, from where did the mahatmas get them?    Looks like they got them from their master.

The question I have for you personally, POV, is do you believe Maharaji is the Lord?  Yes or No.

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