Re: With respect Chris
Re: With respect Brian - -- cq Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Brian S ®

10/02/2004, 17:06:31
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With all due respect Chris, and thank you Gerry for your kind acknowledgement below.

This is most certainly about the kids, its about meeting one of the most basic human needs of warmth and protection from the cold. .

The troops are simply the medium by which this benevolent gesture of goodwill  is accomplished. The additional effect that this simple act of kindness creates between the troops and the people they touch in Afganistan is multifold in bridging conflicts and prejudice inherent with the circumstances.

I am sure that all parties would rather not meet or be there under such conditions.

These soldiers in this case are making the best of a bad situation by their show of concern and goodwill which helps greatly in coping with the extraordinary grimness of the situation .

I am supporting the chance to do something good in  in a another wise bad situation.

I am sure that the soldier who hands out the coat over there will appreciate it, the unfortunate families who cannot provide for their own will appreciate it. Most importantly the innocent caught kids up in all of this who won't be going cold this winter because of the coats sent will greatly appreciate it .

This is a charitable cause that I will not regret supporting later, I can assure you of that.



Modified by Brian S at Sat, Oct 02, 2004, 23:27:07

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