After a few glasses of wine, it all becomes so clear...
Posted by:
San ®

10/01/2004, 18:48:04
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Hey everybody,

Happy Friday night!

Y'know, after a few glasses of wine, this whole thing becomes so damn clear it is just ludicrous, all the time and space wasted over repetition, except for the fact that some of our brothers and sisters got hurt in the process.  That pisses me off.

I say we ESTABLISH SOME F*CKING REALITIES here and work from there, instead of constantly regurgitate the same things over and over again.

Let's take it to the next level,  whatever the hell that is.

Come ON, you guys and gals, help me out here.  Help us all out here.  F*ck Wikipedia and all the other talking heads out there.  Do we want to waste our lives debating with talking heads or do we want to make a real difference in this life?  If we take issue with all the assholes who have something to say about Prem that is not quite right on, then we will be fighting windmill pundits the rest of our lives.  I am sure Prem would just love that, because he is not being directly confronted or challenged.  Let us not be swayed by intellectual traps.  Let us focus and concentrate our energies and make something happen that will positively impact the world and everyone who has had contact or is considering making contact with Prem Rawat.  Sure, let those who are called to set the record straight with Wiki and their ilk go do that, but there is so much more to do going forward into new territory....      

Modified by San at Fri, Oct 01, 2004, 18:48:56

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